Mother bunnies dig holes in the ground and cover the tops of their nests with straw/grass/and their fur.
Baby bunnies stay in their nests for about 4-5 weeks. There is a diamond of white fur on their forehead that gradually disappears when they're ready to leave the nest. At this time they're about 5 inches in length.
The mother bunny will stand on top of the nest to nurse her babies (which does not happen every 2 hours...not fair!!)...this fact also explains why there has been a rabbit in our yard that does not jump away...
And uncovering the nest or touching the babies does not make the mother abandon them.
So there were about 6 babies in the nest, and by nightfall there were 3. I think they were getting ready to leave the nest by their size. I did see the mother rabbit return to feed her babies that night....
So now that you know more than you wanted about baby rabbits here are some pictures...Audi and I did enjoy discovering them!

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