Friday, August 21, 2009


We went to Miles' company picnic at Kennywood last Sunday. It was the second time Audi was able to go on the rides in Kiddieland. It was a successful day, and I really think she enjoyed her time at the park. I see a few more years of Kiddieland i our future before we are able to hit up all the bigger rides!
Audi won herself the Sponge Bob Square Pants stuffed prize!! On the last throw she was able to toss the ball into the only red floating cup. It was the perfect way to end the day.
Grandma Lori and Audi on the cars. They were both smiling after this ride!
Izzy the trooper baby. She hung out in her stoller all afternoon. What a sweet baby!
Audi loves the carosel, which is funny because last year she was terror-stricken whenever we went on them. My little goose is growing up too fast.

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