Wednesday, May 28, 2008

A Lazy Wednesday

I know I have been neglecting my blogging here are some pictures of Autumn to make up for a dry spell. She's starting to talk more's amazing how all of a sudden they start to make sense! I'm looking foward to a great summer with her!
I love the belly shot...we should all have one!
This was at South Park about a month ago. She really likes this one playground there.

So Autumn has this thing about sitting in Spencer's crate sometimes. I think the second picture is funny.
These pictures are fun because she got a hold of my shirt and insisted on wearing it. When I started taking pictures she began to cheese in front of the cute!

We were working on potty training I think. She loves being a naked jaybird!
This is just a cute picture of Spencer. He's doing well in the house. We just really have to work on him coming when he's called.

1 comment:

B & S said...

Hey Guys
Thanks for keeping us all connected. Pictures are great!! Looks cool there ....
95 here today.
B & S