Friday, May 30, 2008


I don't have any pictures for this but I guess I'll tell you about our bedtime routine because I think it's sweet. After her bath she gets dressed and we settle in for bedtime stories. She will gather up all the books around so we'll read about 4. (I rotate different ones every once in awhile). Then we turn off the light and she's ready for bed. What I think is so sweet is now she wants a book to take with her to bed. This week she's been picking a different one to sleep with every night. How funny is that?! This morning I heard her talking to herself...and she was reading the book she took with her the night before...I just think she's funny!!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

A Lazy Wednesday

I know I have been neglecting my blogging here are some pictures of Autumn to make up for a dry spell. She's starting to talk more's amazing how all of a sudden they start to make sense! I'm looking foward to a great summer with her!
I love the belly shot...we should all have one!
This was at South Park about a month ago. She really likes this one playground there.

So Autumn has this thing about sitting in Spencer's crate sometimes. I think the second picture is funny.
These pictures are fun because she got a hold of my shirt and insisted on wearing it. When I started taking pictures she began to cheese in front of the cute!

We were working on potty training I think. She loves being a naked jaybird!
This is just a cute picture of Spencer. He's doing well in the house. We just really have to work on him coming when he's called.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Work Work Work

So to all of those out there who are wondering what the heck we've been up to besides our normal routines...we're (meaning Miles and my Dad) are really trying to get the backyard in shape. The patio and sidewalk have been officially ripped up...and the framing is about 90% complete. The sidewalk along the side of the house still needs to be done. After that comes gravel...then hopefully a truck full of concrete.

I have been telling Miles for awhile that a fence would be glorious in the backyard given the babers and dog dwelling in our household. So for Mother's Day Miles surprised me with....AN AUGER!! So that means holes in the backyard with fence posts sticking out of them to complete the West Virginia look that we're shooting for. I love it...what do you think? Here are pictures of the progress...

So this is a glimpse of the yard I've had for the past year... it can only get better from now on!!