Monday, February 19, 2007

February 19, 2007

Sometimes I forget how many rolls Autumn has because she always has her clothes on. Here is a picture after her bath...I think even her rolls have rolls....

Speaking of rolls...Autumn rolled from her back to her belly for the first time today. Can you believe I missed it even though I was sitting right there?! Oh well, I'm sure there's going to be plenty of other opportunities to watch her. I put her on her back for another try, but she was more interested in her feet.

We had a nice visit with Grandma and Grandpa Williams on Sunday. For dinner we had a bear roast, a first for me. We had a fun time, as always:)

1 comment:

the dowiaks said...

hey, reese has the same cute pink outfit autumn is wearing. gosh, we have good taste, don't we?! ;) it's a 9 month outfit and i still have to roll the pants and the arms. (she'll be 8 months on wednesday)

way to go autumn!! she'll be across the room before you know it!