Saturday, January 13, 2007

It's Saturday

Here is my attempt to keep everyone posted on our growing baby Autumn. It's amazing how big she's getting!! I don't know her updated stats, but we'll be going to the doctor on Monday. Her most recent development includes two bottom teeth that were discovered while she was sucking on our palm. They haven't broken through her gums, but you can definitely see them. I feebly attempted to capture them with a picture, however it was not a success. So happy weekend everyone...and enjoy our most recent picture (I can't quite figure out how to put on more than one, the computer isn't cooperating)...

1 comment:

the dowiaks said...

way to go, katie! so glad to see you've figured out the blog. it's fun, isn't it? you're right, autumn IS getting big! i can't believe she's getting teeth already!