It has been such a LONG time since I have updated!! So much has happened over the past couple of months. So here are some pictures taken awhile back. I'm extremely pleased that I got a new camera....but I have not tried to connect it to the computer you're stuck with some older pictures:)
We went as a family to McConnells Mills (I think in April). I remember having a fantastic time with the family. Audi was a trooper and loved climbing all over the rocks. A trip back won't come soon enough!

We went to Phipps conservatory with the girls +Grammie and Papa (I can't even remember when anymore!) I have to say that both of the girls were awesome during the outing. I remember being somewhat surprised at how they both were into looking around at all of the plants at the time, and what an enjoyable day it ended being (for some reason I thought that maybe it would hard to take them there). So now I'm a huge fan of Phipps...for any age!

So my goal over the next couple of weeks is to make sure that I update this blog! There's still a bunch of summer trips that need to be added (drumroll please...the Dowiak beach trip for starters + Izzy is already a year old!) So hang in there, and I'll get my act together!!