Thursday, February 4, 2010

A much needed update

You know it's time to update your blog when #1)your family starts to comment on the lack of new posts and #2)you start to get tired of the same pictures! Everyone here is doing well...Miles is working, I'm working, Audi is going to school, and Izzy is growing. That's about it in a nutshell. We'll be excited when the weather lets up and we can be outside more...but for now we're keeping warm!!

Audi loves loves loves to dress up. She loves dresses, skirts, bows, crowns, shoes, jewelry...I have no idea where this love for fancy came from, but here's to the hope she'll outgrow it by the time she's a teenager!
The weather today was high of a warm we were able to be outside for a bit. They're calling for 3-6 inches over the comes sledding!! (I have found to enjoy the winter you have to play in the snow:))

Hanging Out with my Girlie Whirls

What do you do when you're stuck inside? Take pictures!!

Family Update, Izzy 6 months

Here's some more pictures of our growing Izzy Rose!

With a proud Daddy. I can officially say that Izzy's first word is her baby babble. She calls both Miles and me dada, which is pretty cute. I'll put a plug in for Audi...her first word was mama!!

With my sweetie:)

The "johnny jumpseat" has returned!! Izzy is also enjoying this fabulous baby contraption...
Izzy is a thumb sucking machine, it's adorable. I will also report that her two bottom teeth are in.